At Happy Tails Pet Care, Inc., we provide personalized pet care and enrichment services to give pet owners peace of mind while they're away. Our team of trained professionals offers a range of services including walks, visits, training, and more. Whether you've got a dog, cat, fish, or any other pet, we'll take care of them like they're our own. With a focus on compassion, trust, and community, we're committed to providing high-quality service to our clients and their pets. From structured walks to specialized field trips, and from training to behavioral solving, our services are designed to bring happiness and fulfillment to your pet's life. We're passionate about bringing personalized, professional pet care directly to your home, and we're proud to serve the communities of Baldwin Park, Mills 50, Colonial Town, and more.
The reviews highlight the exceptional service, personalized care, and attention to detail provided by Happy Tails, with pet owners praising the company's commitment to their pets' well-being.